View Full Version : Mercedes-Benz C-Class Recalled For Safety Restraint System Fix

03-24-2016, 05:07 PM
http://www.themotorreport.com.au/content/image/2/0/2007_mercedes_benz_c_class_overseas_01-0323-350x200.jpg (http://www.themotorreport.com.au/63233/mercedes-benz-c-class-recalled-for-safety-restraint-system-fix)

Mercedes-Benz has recalled its midsized C-Class models, for a potential problem with the Safety Restraint System (SRS)

The carmaker has identified a possible corrosion problem with the SRS control unit, which could lead to reduced function of the SRS’s features.

In extreme cases, the vehicle’s airbags may be deactivated, although drivers should be alerted to a failure such as this via the SRS warning lamp.

Read more (http://www.themotorreport.com.au/63233/mercedes-benz-c-class-recalled-for-safety-restraint-system-fix)